Flutter Run On Ios Device

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A Flutter plugin for iOS, Android and Web for playing back video on a Widget surface.

  1. With Xcode, you'll be able to run Flutter apps on an iOS device or on the simulator. Deploy to iOS devices. To deploy your Flutter app to a physical iOS device, you'll need some additional tools and an Apple account. You'll also need to set up physical device deployment in Xcode.
  2. Flutter supports both iOS and Android device and simulators. In terminal, run flutter doctor the flutter devices command to verify that Flutter recognizes your connected Android device. As you can see above, it's showing message device connectivity state.
  3. How To Launch Android Emulator or iOS Simulator from VSCode? Flutter run No supported devices connected. Can be fixed in matter of seconds! Flutter and the.

Note: This plugin is still under development, and some APIs might not be available yet.Feedback welcome andPull Requests are most welcome!

Installation #

With Xcode, you'll be able to run Flutter apps on an iOS device or on the simulator. Deploy to iOS devices To deploy your Flutter app to a physical iOS device, you'll need some additional tools and an Apple account. Flutter run Flutter will automatically search for the external device which you have connected through the USB cable. You can see that in action in the below figure: Remove the USB cable and you can see the created app in an external device.

First, add video_player as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

iOS #

Warning: The video player is not functional on iOS simulators. An iOS device must be used during development/testing.

Add the following entry to your Info.plist file, located in /ios/Runner/Info.plist:

This entry allows your app to access video files by URL.

Android #

Ensure the following permission is present in your Android Manifest file, located in /android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:

The Flutter project template adds it, so it may already be there.

Web #

This plugin compiles for the web platform since version 0.10.5, in recent enough versions of Flutter (>=1.12.13+hotfix.4).

Flutter Run On Ios Device Examples

The Web platform does not suppport dart:io, so avoid using the VideoPlayerController.file constructor for the plugin. Using the constructor attempts to create a VideoPlayerController.file that will throw an UnimplementedError.

Flutter Run On Ios Device

Different web browsers may have different video-playback capabilities (supported formats, autoplay...). Check package:video_player_web for more web-specific information.

The VideoPlayerOptions.mixWithOthers option can't be implemented in web, at least at the moment. If you use this option in web it will be silently ignored.

Supported Formats #

  • On iOS, the backing player is AVPlayer.The supported formats vary depending on the version of iOS, AVURLAsset classhas audiovisualTypes that you can query for supported av formats.
  • On Android, the backing player is ExoPlayer,please refer here for list of supported formats.
  • On Web, available formats depend on your users' browsers (vendor and version). Check package:video_player_web for more specific information.

Example #

Usage #

Flutter Test On Ios Device

The following section contains usage information that goes beyond what is included in thedocumentation in order to give a more elaborate overview of the API.

This is not complete as of now. You can contribute to this section by opening a pull request.

Playback speed #

You can set the playback speed on your _controller (instance of VideoPlayerController) bycalling _controller.setPlaybackSpeed. setPlaybackSpeed takes a double speed value indicating the rate of playback for your video.
For example, when given a value of 2.0, your video will play at 2x the regular playback speedand so on.

To learn about playback speed limitations, see the setPlaybackSpeed method documentation.

Flutter run device

Furthermore, see the example app for an example playback speed implementation.

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