Deltarune In Real Life

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In the last article about Toby Fox's new game – Deltarune,we have discussed about the general theme of the game what it is actually about(or at least that was theory). But today, we have another question regardingthe character, to be more precise: who isKris? As we have seen, this supposedly main protagonist does not seem to bethe main character of this story at all. Plus, that creepy Deltarune chapter 1ending has really caused a huge confusion. Unfortunately since the game has notbeen fully released yet, we cannot have a clear answer about Kris' identity.But at the very least, let's try to come up with some theories regarding thismysterious story of Deltarune: who is Kris?

At the beginning of the game, you would notice that there is something… weird about the town in Deltarune. Similar to Undertale, Kris – supposedly the main protagonist – is living in a world full of monsters and there is no human sight. So naturally it felt really peculiar when Kris – a human child – lives in 'harmony' with a monster society.

When we finally escape from the Dark World, we can controlKris to walk around and talk with townsfolk. And interesting enough, we knowthat Kris actually has lived in this town for very long time. Everyone knowshim and they do share with us memories regarding Kris and his family.

Kris' adoption

He obvious lived there and due to an accident got trapped in Undertale. What I'm about to say has like 0 evidence to support it, but I'm going to say it anyways. I feel like Deltarune is going to be the explanation for how Sans and Papyrus ended up in Undertale. I also fully hope that Papyrus will be a little kid in Deltarune chapter 2. There is no blood type O in deltarune, and blood type D does not exist in real life.

First off, we know that Kris seems to be an abandoned child.According to Toriel family's story, originallyher family consisted of Torielherself, Asgore – her husband, andtheir child named Asriel. Then oneday, Toriel adopted Kris, whichofficially made him a member of Toriel's family. Unfortunately we do not knowwho Kris was before his adoption. But based on the word 'adopt', it is safe to assume that for some reason, Kris did nothave parents. Whether this was because his parents abandoned him or his parentsdied long time ago, we still don't know at this point.

Kris and Asriel

Delta Rune Theories

After the day Kris was adopted, it is also safe to assume that Kris had quite a good time with his new family, especially with his new brother Asriel. If we look around at the school, we eventually know Kris' mother – Toriel – is actually a teacher at the school. Therefore, we can assume that Kris and Asriel probably spent lots of their time at school due to their mother's work.

This is further proven by the fact that the so-called 'Dark World' where Kris and Susie travelled in present day is actually a board game. Remember when Kris and Susie finally returned to the real world, we notice that they are in the same dark, mysterious storage room which they came at first. This room turns out to be filled with board game, cards, characters, places which 'coincidently appeared' in the Dark World itself. So is the Dark World real? Did Kris and Susie truly have an actual adventure in that Dark World? Possibly since Susie's personality and attitude did change even after they got away from the 'game'. But back to Kris' story.

So if the Dark World is indeed a board game in the storageroom, then who created the game? The answer is: Kris and Asriel. There are atleast two reasons for this: the first one was hinted by Ralsei's identity. Ifwe look closely, we will see that for some reason, Ralsei looks strikinglysimilar to young Asriel (if we based on his child appearance in Undertale). Andalso, his name 'Ralsei' is actuallyan anagram for 'Asriel'.

Then there is a second reason which we will mention later on,but for now, let's suppose that Kris and Asriel did play a lot with each otherwhen they were younger and they often hanged out in the storage room. So, whathappened next to Kris' family?

Toriel and Asgore's divorce

Based on what townsfolk said, especially at the church and the QC's Diner, we know that Kris' family often went to the church, and then enjoyed the meal at the diner on Sunday. During this period, we believed that this was Kris' best time with his new family. However, things happened and such happiness did not last for long.

At one point, Toriel and Asgore decided to divorce. Asgore left the house and continued to work in his flower shop as we see in present day. On the other hand, Toriel took charge of taking care both of their children Asriel and Kris. It is hard to say how Kris felt during this period. But if we consider Kris' story in real-life scenario, it is probably an extremely tough time since he was a kid and he was abandoned by his parents once. This point was also mentioned by MatPat that it was highly at this point when Kris felt betrayed by his own family once again. And at the moment, we do agree with his theory.

Continuing this line of theory, MatPat continued to theorizethat Kris seemed to be 'protected' byAsriel at this point. This seems highly to be the case since even after theirparents divorced, it was told that Asriel still brought Kris to QC's Diner andenjoyed hot chocolate together. We also hear that Kris often got carried byAsriel to school every time he woke up late. In addition, it is highly possiblethat Kris and Asriel still played board game with each other at the school'sstorage room. And from Kris' perspective, it seemed that this game, thisstorage room was where he could feel safe from his depression. But then again,such 'good time' still did not lastfor long…

Asriel going to university

Right at the beginning of the game, we see Kris sharing the same room with another person. And as Toriel spoke to Kris, we know that person was Asriel; however, he is now at the university. Connecting this with the story we discussed above, it seems that eventually Asriel went to university and ultimately left Kris behind. This major event seems to put Kris into further depression since his final, his closest friend and family finally left him. And thus this relates to our second reason why we believe Kris and Asriel are the creator of the Dark World game.

Old cricut design space. Remember when Susie and Kris first arrived at the storage room, Kris was hesitant to go in. He even stepped back, as if he already knew what's in the room. Since Asriel is no longer here, Kris no longer has any friend to play the game with and thus, he finally decided to stay away from the game, the room where he and Asriel used to play in. It does make sense since given the Asriel's departure, it was devastating for Kris. It is possible that every time Kris gets back to that room, it reminds him of his good memory with Asriel; yet, it is also a cruel reminder for Kris that such happy time can never return.

We know this thanks to Ralsei's dialogue saying 'I've been waiting alone here, my whole life, for you two to arrive' when Kris and Susie met him for the first time in Dark World. From our interpretation, this quote highly suggests that Kris has not returned to this world, or rather, played this game for very, very long time. Interesting enough, we can also have a general idea of who this Ralsei character may be. Judging by Ralsei's appearance and personality, we suspect that Ralsei is in fact Kris' creation. Or rather, he represents what and how Kris wants to see his brother Asriel in the game. Throughout his journey in Dark World, Ralsei seems to be an extremely nice guy and he is especially nice to Kris. He always respects Kris, no matter how Kris interacts with him. And thus, he always considers Kris to be his leader. This characteristic seems to be opposite of Asriel in real life. In another word, it looks like Kris wants Ralsei/Asriel to depend on him in this game unlike the real world where Kris is protected by Asriel.

And after all this, we come to that creepy Deltarune chapter1 ending when Kris suddenly jumps out of his bed and rips out the Heart, thenthrows it to the cage below his bed. This scene is quite disturbing and it doesremind us of Chara in Undertale. But does this mean Kris is Chara fromUndertale? No, we don't think so at least for now since this is only the firstchapter we're talking about.

This is another question which has been in some people's mindafter seeing the ending. Honestly we also shared the same impression. But suchimpression alone cannot prove whether Kris will become an insane villain whowill murder every one or not. So at best, we can only put up a general idea ofwho Kris is as a person based on the information we know from Deltarune chapter1.

Kris'Emotional Memories

One fundamental thing we felt when looking at Kris' character is a poor child who constantly got abandoned by the people closed to him most. This has happened time and time again: the first time when he was abandoned by his own parents (possibly), the second time when his new parents divorced, and the third time when his best friend and family member – Asriel – went to university.

All of these events seem to affect Kris tremendously, leavinghim vulnerable mentally. Time and time again Kris was abandoned and ultimately,he no longer has anyone to rely on. Every time he revisited the old memories,they often caused him pain, thus making him want to avoid those memories. Wesaw this firsthand when Kris and Susie arrived at the storage room. Krisstepped back and did not want to enter the room since it reminded him of histime with Asriel which never comes back. Then when Kris ordered hot chocolateat QC's Diner, there is also a dialogue table saying: 'You drank the hot chocolate. It tasted wonderful. Your throat tightened…'These exact quotes also hint a depressing emotion as it reminds Kris of the oldtime when Asriel still brought him here and enjoyed chocolate. And possibly italso reminds him of the good ol' time when the family was still together.

Kris is a troublemaker?

Besides Kris' history with his family, we also get to know his reputation in this town by talking to various people. The first hinted thing is that: Kris seems not to be talkative person. According to Noelle, Kris normally did not talk much and seeing Kris in present day talking is kind of… peculiar.

And then there is the major point: Kris seems to be notorious around town as a troublemaker. As we talk with townsfolk, many people spoke about Kris' misdeed in the past like Toriel who said that 'you did not put a bath bomb in the toilet again, did you?' Noelle also said that once Kris poured ketchup on his arms and told her that it was blood. Even Noelle's father – Rudolph 'Rudy' Holiday have a problem with Kris since he tends to get 'tangled in the light display'.

Deltarune in real life stories

This is rather interesting since this Kris' personality istotally opposite to Asriel. When thetownsfolk talks about Asriel, they often regards him as a 'star boy.' In fact, we can see there are lots of trophies andmedals in his room, indicating his successful life. While on the contrary,there is nothing displayed on Kris's side except for the cage.

So yes, Kris is an infamous troublemaker in the town.However, this still cannot prove that Kris will be a villain or antagonist.After all, he is child and all of his pranks are not exactly dangerous. Tocertain extent, some people feel that Kris is somewhat similar to Susie. Butthe big difference is: Susie is more extreme and violent. In case of Kris, itis possible that all of his pranks were to attract attention. Again, he is justa child and he is not good at forming a conversation (like Noelle implied). Notto mention his brother Asriel who is the star of the town and possibly heoutshines Kris.

Delarune Game

Is Kris Chara or Frisk?


This is rather interesting since this Kris' personality istotally opposite to Asriel. When thetownsfolk talks about Asriel, they often regards him as a 'star boy.' In fact, we can see there are lots of trophies andmedals in his room, indicating his successful life. While on the contrary,there is nothing displayed on Kris's side except for the cage.

So yes, Kris is an infamous troublemaker in the town.However, this still cannot prove that Kris will be a villain or antagonist.After all, he is child and all of his pranks are not exactly dangerous. Tocertain extent, some people feel that Kris is somewhat similar to Susie. Butthe big difference is: Susie is more extreme and violent. In case of Kris, itis possible that all of his pranks were to attract attention. Again, he is justa child and he is not good at forming a conversation (like Noelle implied). Notto mention his brother Asriel who is the star of the town and possibly heoutshines Kris.

Delarune Game

Is Kris Chara or Frisk?

Now we come to the final question: 'is Kris Chara or Frisk?' This is a legit question since we haveseen many characters in Deltarune are actually alternative versions of theirUndertale counterparts. And judging by Kris' appearance and his relationshipwith Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel, it's safe to assume that he is also analternative version of either Charaor Frisk.

In Real Life Members

For now, we still cannot find an answer for this question.From our perspective, Kris' appearance really reminds us of Chara. Furthermore,his final scene strongly resembles Chara when he finally 'snapped'. That said, we still cannot say for sure. Back inUndertale, Chara is an independent and rather cryptic character, and we couldnever control him. Therefore it is kind of… incoherent when we can controlChara in Deltarune, especially if Deltarune is an alternative world toUndertale. And plus, the name 'Kris'does not relate to the name 'Chara'at all. Instead, it feels more like an anagram of the name 'Frisk'.

So perhaps the character we control during the entire chapter1 is actually 'Frisk', and then he suddenly got possessed by Chara at night? Itis possible! But in the end, these are just unconfirmed theories, and not tomention, this is only the first chapter of Deltarune.

But what do you think?Who is Kris in your opinion? Feel free to share with us and for now, thank youand stay tune for more news in the future!

19 Delta Memes

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